The Influence of Background Music on Consumer Behavior

Background music certainly has a significant impact on consumer behavior in various settings, from supermarkets to restaurants. Let's delve into how background music influences our purchasing decisions and overall experiences.

Research has shown that the tempo, volume, and genre of background music can influence the pace at which consumers shop. For example, upbeat music with a fast tempo may lead to quicker shopping trips, while slower, more relaxing music can encourage shoppers to linger and explore more products.

In addition to influencing the speed of shopping, background music can also affect what consumers choose to purchase. For instance, studies have found that playing classical music in a wine store can lead to an increase in sales of premium wines, as it creates an upscale atmosphere that encourages consumers to splurge.

Beyond Retail

The influence of background music extends beyond retail environments. In restaurants, for example, the choice of music can impact diners' perceptions of the food and overall dining experience. Upbeat music can create a lively atmosphere, while soft, romantic tunes may enhance the sense of intimacy.

Moreover, background music can influence workplace productivity and mood. Playing soothing music in office spaces can help reduce stress and improve focus, leading to a more positive work environment.


In conclusion, background music is a powerful tool that businesses can use to shape consumer behavior and enhance various aspects of the customer experience. By understanding the psychological effects of music, businesses can strategically use background music to create the desired atmosphere and drive desired outcomes.